Law of Desire (1987)

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Logo Law of Desire
Also Known as: La ley del deseo

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 63.3 (3 viewers)
Year: 1987
Runtime: 1h 42m
Rating: NC-17
Countries: Spain
Languages: ES
Keywords: Show more
Pablo and Tina have complicated sexual lives. Pablo writes and directs plays and films; he's gay and deeply in love with Juan, a young man who won't reply to Pablo's affection or letters. Pablo's sibling Tina is a transsexual, angry at men, raising Ada, and trying to make it as an actress. Pablo takes up with Antonio, a youth who becomes jealous of Pablo's love for Juan. Antonio seeks out Juan, and violence leads to Pablo's grief and a temporary loss of memory. When memory returns, he learns that Antonio has taken up with Tina. In horror, he hurries to Tina's rescue and must face Antonio and his desire.
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