La maschera del demonio (1989)

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La maschera del demonio (1989) poster
Also Known as: The Mask of Satan

IMDB  | TMDB  |  
Other grades: 30.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 1989
Runtime: 1h 34m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: France Germany Italy Portugal Spain
Languages: IT
A group of five or six or seven friends go skiing in the Alps and get trapped in a crevasse cave-in that uncovers the long frozen tomb of a heretic executed eons before for practicing blasphemy after a Demon's Mask was nailed onto it's head. One of them decides it would be a really good idea to chip the hideous mask free of it's ice and take it home as a memento of the occasion, unleashing a series of events that finds the coed group of tight ski panted friends trapped by a second cave-in, and forced to take refuge in an ancient monastery or something like that, long buried by the arctic snows and ices.
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