The Best of Youth (2003)

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The Best of Youth (2003) poster
Also Known as: La meglio gioventu

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 0.0 (0 viewers)
Year: 2003
Runtime: 6h 23m
Rating: R
Countries: Italy
Languages: EN, IT, NO
Keywords: Show more
Nicola and Matteo Carati are two brothers of Rome, who live the years from 1966 to 2000 and all the events which have signed this period. They begin their adventure, helping Giorgia, a young girl confined in an asylum. Then, after the flood of Florence, Nicola meets Giulia a talented piano player with a dangerous sympathy for the BR. Matteo, a rebel spirit entered in the police, will find the optimistic photographer Mirella. These four characters and many others will cross the years of terrorism and Tangentopoli.
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