You Can't Cheat an Honest Man (1939)

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You Can't Cheat an Honest Man (1939) poster

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 60.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 1939
Runtime: 1h 19m
Rating: Approved
Countries: United States of America
Languages: EN
Keywords: Show more
Larson E. Whipsnade runs a seedy circus which is perpetually in debt. His performers give him nothing but trouble, especially Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. Meanwhile, Whipsnade's son and daughter, Phineas and Vicky, attend a posh college. Vicky turns down her caddish but rich suitor Roger Bel-Goodie, but changes her mind when she learns of her father's financial troubles. Will Vicky marry for money or succumb to the ventriloqual charm of Edgar Bergen? Will Whipsnade's Circus Giganticus make it over the state line one jump ahead of the sheriff?
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