Gigantic (2008)

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Gigantic (2008) poster
Logo Gigantic

IMDB  | TMDB  |  
Other grades: 60.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 2008
Runtime: 1h 38m
Rating: R
Countries: United States of America
Languages: EN, FR, JA
Keywords: Show more
Do we ever get what we want? Brian sells mattresses in a warehouse store. His father and older brothers have material success; he wants a child. He's applied to adopt a baby from China. A man who appears homeless seems to be stalking Brian with violent intent. He meets Happy, the daughter of a rich, quirky customer. She doesn't stick to anything, but she and Brian hit it off, except for her vomiting when she learns about his adoption idea. He wants her to meet his family, and there's a call about the adoption. What will Happy do?
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