Cyborg Girl (2008)

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Cyborg Girl (2008) poster
Also Known as: Boku no kanojo wa saibogu

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 50.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 2008
Runtime: 1h 55m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: Japan
Languages: JA
A lonesome college student, Jiro, is spending his 20th birthday alone, when suddenly, a beautiful girl turns up. The few hours that he spends with her are the most incredible moments of his life and Jiro is overwhelmed by his good-fortune in meeting her. But his happiness does not last long as she disappears as suddenly as she appeared. A year later, on his 21st birthday, Jiro runs into her again at the same restaurant, where she saves him and countless others from a crazy assassin. She looks the same, but this time she is somehow different. It is the beginning of a relationship that would change his life forever.
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