Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos (2011)

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Jeff Dunham: Controlled Chaos (2011) poster

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Other grades: 90.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 2011
Runtime: 1h 37m
Rating: PG
Countries: United States of America
Languages: EN
Jeff Dunham is back in his much-anticipated fourth concert event, with all-new material and unparalleled comedy that surpasses his record-breaking specials Arguing with Myself, Spark of Insanity, and A Very Special Christmas Special. All the favorites are here, plus two never-before-seen characters certain to unleash their own unique havoc on stage. Dunham is an international phenomenon with sold out stadium concerts, one-half billion YouTube views, and television shows that remain among the highest rated in Comedy Central history. Controlled Chaos is guaranteed to deliver an unequaled number of laughs per minute - whether you're a Dunham Maniac or seeing him and his partners for the very first time.
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