CatMoviez - The Prestige (2006)

The Prestige (2006)

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IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 78.4 (47 viewers)
Year: 2006
Runtime: 2h 10m
Rating: PG-13
Countries: United States of America
Languages: EN
Keywords: Show more
In the end of the Nineteenth Century, in London, Robert Angier, his beloved wife Julia McCullough and Alfred Borden are friends and assistants of a magician. When Julia accidentally dies during a performance, Robert blames Alfred for her death and they become enemies. Both become famous and rival magicians, sabotaging the performance of the other on the stage. When Alfred performs a successful trick, Robert becomes obsessed trying to disclose the secret of his competitor with tragic consequences.
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