Grindhouse (2007)

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Also Known as: Grind House

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 64.6 (9 viewers)
Year: 2007
Runtime: 3h 11m
Rating: R
Countries: United States of America
Languages: EN, ES
Keywords: Show more
A double-bill of thrillers that recall both filmmakers' favorite exploitation films. 'Grindhouse' (a downtown movie theater in disrepair since its glory days as a movie palace known for 'grinding out' non-stop double-bill programs of B-movies) is presented as one full-length feature comprised of two individual films helmed separately by each director. 'Death Proof,' is a rip-roaring slasher flick where the killer pursues his victims with a car rather than a knife, while 'Planet Terror' shows us a view of the world in the midst of a zombie outbreak. The films are joined together by clever faux trailers that recall the '50s exploitation drive-in classics.
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