A Quiet Heart (2016)

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A Quiet Heart (2016) poster
Also Known as: Lev shaket meod

IMDB  | TMDB  |  
Other grades: 55.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 2016
Runtime: 1h 32m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: Israel
Languages: EN, HE
In present day Jerusalem, a city increasingly dominated by religious fanaticism, Naomi, a secular young woman seeks refuge from the pressure of her life as a concert pianist. Overwhelmed by the expectations of her parents and her colleagues in Tel Aviv, Naomi seeks anonymity and solitude in the ancient city. Despite her intentions to stay alone, however, Naomi quickly makes two unexpected connections- one with a musically gifted Ultra-Orthodox young boy who lives in her building and the other, with Fabrizio, a charismatic Italian monk and organist. While these relationships allow Naomi to reconnect with her love of music and sense of meaning, they also make her a target in her new community. Faced with escalating isolation and violence, Naomi must learn to use music as a bridge to overcome towering religious barriers.
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