Fatal Desire (2006)

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Fatal Desire (2006) poster
Logo Fatal Desire
Also Known as: Deceptively Yours

IMDB  | TMDB  |  
Other grades: 57.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 2006
Runtime: 1h 53m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: Canada United States of America
Languages: EN
Tanya Sullivan (alias Sexykitten), mother of teenager Molly, with a crummy cosmetics sales job in Pittsburgh, meets over Internet a great gay, casino employee Joe Donnely (alias Jerseydude), an ex cop -made to resign after testifying truthfully against the PD- and divorced tender father of teenage son Teddy, who chose to live with him but preferred Rhode Island where his mother still lives. After months of hot mail, Tanya flies a first time to Atlantic City and they start to have hot sex. Once she's pregnant, she tells Joe she was abused by her wife-beating father, and is again by her husband Mark, a gangster. He realizes paternity is uncertain, but stands by her, and after threats and insults from Mark flies to Pittsburgh, with his gun; from then on everything goes horribly wrong...
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