To Live (1994)

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To Live (1994) poster
Also Known as: Lifetimes

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 75.0 (2 viewers)
Year: 1994
Runtime: 2h 5m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: China Hong Kong
Languages: ZH
Keywords: Show more
Fugui and Jiazhen endure tumultuous events in China as their personal fortunes move from wealthy landownership to peasantry. Addicted to gambling, Fugui loses everything. In the years that follow he is pressed into both the nationalist and communist armies, while Jiazhen is forced into menial work. They raise a family and survive, managing 'to live' from the 40's to the 70's in this epic, but personal, story of life through an amazing period.
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