The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976)

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Logo The Pink Panther Strikes Again
Also Known as: Inspector Clouseau Strikes Back

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 72.0 (4 viewers)
Year: 1976
Runtime: 1h 43m
Rating: PG
Countries: United Kingdom United States of America
Languages: EN
Keywords: Show more
Charles Dreyfus escapes from the mental asylum and tries to kill Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau. He doesn't succeed at first, so he takes on another strategy, namely to build a Doomsday machine and demand that someone else kills Jacques Clouseau, or Dreyfus will use the machine to wipe out whole cities and even whole countries... With about 22 assassins from all over the globe on his tail, Clouseau decides to find Dreyfus alone and put him back in the mental asylum.
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