The Thief of Bagdad (1940)

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Logo The Thief of Bagdad

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 90.0 (2 viewers)
Year: 1940
Runtime: 1h 46m
Rating: Unrated
Countries: United Kingdom
Languages: EN
Keywords: Show more
Prince Ahmad is the rightful King of Bagdad but he has been blinded and cast out as a beggar. Now a captive of the wicked Grand Vizier Jaffar he is cast into a dungeon where he meets Abu, the best thief in all Bagdad. Together they escape and set about a series of adventures that involve a Djinni in a bottle, a mechanical flying horse, an all-seeing magic jewel, a flying carpet and a beautiful princess.
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