Le chateau de ma mere (1990)

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Le chateau de ma mere (1990) poster
Also Known as: My Mother's Castle

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 70.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 1990
Runtime: 1h 38m
Rating: PG
Countries: France
Languages: FR
Keywords: Show more
Every holiday Marcel and his family go to their cottage in the Provence (France). He likes the hills in this region. Before they arrive at the cottage they have to walk about 5 miles. With the co-operation of an ex-pupil of Marcel's father, who's a teacher, they only have to walk 1 mile, since they can take a shortcut along a canal, through the backyards of some eccentric people. During one of these holidays he meets Isabelle, a pretty but conceited girl...
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