Roadkill (1989)

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This is an early film by Bruce McDonald filmed on a tiny budget over a few weeks traveling the wilds in Canada. It tells the story of Ramona, sent to recover an errant band who are in danger of missing the final date in their tour. After obtaining the job through falsely claiming to be able to drive, she hires a taxi cab to drive her the hundreds / thousands of miles required to get the job done. On the way she meets a variety of characters from a trainee serial killer (who moans that the only jobs available in Canada are ice hockey players or serial killers, and he's no good at ice hockey) who's finding it hard to get off the ground, to a film crew desperate for some live action gore, to a silent young man who refuses to speak as 'he has nothing left to say any more'. The conclusion to the film is just great, as the spaghetti of apparently isolated plot lines are tied together in a thumping final scene. In true road movie style, Ramona gradually develops and breaks out as she proceeds on her journey, and the whole attitude of the film is very open and free, complemented by the 8mm filming in black and white. It seems very unprofessional but that's a lot of its charm, only some of which is retained in the bigger budget sequel, 'Highway 61'.
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