Three Brothers (1981)

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Three Brothers (1981) poster
Also Known as: Tre fratelli

IMDB  | TMDB  |  Trailer play_circle_outline
Other grades: 80.0 (1 viewer)
Year: 1981
Runtime: 1h 53m
Rating: PG
Countries: France Italy
Languages: IT
Keywords: Show more
In a farmhouse in southern Italy, an old woman dies. Her husband summons their sons: from Rome, Raffaele, a judge facing a political case for which he risks assassination; from Naples, the religious and ideological Rocco, a counselor at a correctional institute for boys; from Turin, Nicola, a factory worker involved in labor disputes. Once home, each encounters the past and engages in reveries of what may come: Raffaele imagines his death, Rocco dreams of lifting the youth of Naples out of violence, drugs, and corruption, Nicola pictures embracing his estranged wife. Meanwhile, the old man and his young granddaughter explore the rhythms of the farm and grieve together.
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